Health & Wellness

In third world countries the body is used as a tool, therefore it suffers from many aches and pains on a chronic level. Our movement campaign introduces stretching and intentional movement to those who have no access to or knowledge of what “self care” is all about. They live for survival first and foremost. We believe if we educate those living in poor conditions how to do simple movements as well as how to move properly that they can improve the condition of their own bodies. This ultimately takes some of the burden off of an already harsh living condition.



Our plan is to teach intentional movement to those living in these dire conditions in order to help relieve many of the chronic aches and pains they suffer from daily.


Some examples:

  • Stretching

  • Breathwork

  • Proper lifting and carrying

  • Strengthening

Future Wellness Campaigns

Movement is just the beginning. With donations and additional resources we plan to expand the program to include the following much needed classes and items.

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Some examples:

  • Proper hygiene classes

  • Basic first aid training

  • First aid kits to villages

  • Relational classes

How the movement campaign was born…

After 3 years serving in the mission field on week long trips, Kristen Crisp, as a part of the medical team, noticed severe posture issues in the indigenous people. They also all came in with many of the same compaints of headache, neckache and backaches. While observing how they move she realized that much of this was not only caused by the stresses of living in poverty, but many of the people are constantly “overloaded”. They carry items on their heads and backs, using their foreheads as a support system for strapping systems! This is detremental to the overall movement patterns in the body and with these repetative movements, much permanent damage is being caused.

With a 10+ year background in the healing arts she realized that this was what God was calling her to do in the mission field. While western medicine is most definitely needed when it can be accessed for acute illnesses, many of these chronic aches and pains can be avoided/healed with basic stretching, strengthening and instruction on proper lifting and carrying techniques. We do not wish to “reinvent the wheel” so to speak as these methods of carry are widely used and go back many generations, however we wish to teach basic movement theories that all men, women and children can use and adapt to their daily lives for an overall better feeling of well-being.