Julian Crisp

Julian went on his first mission trip in 2015 and never turned back. He felt as if God “laid hands” on him during that trip and never let go, knowing that he had been called to serve in the mission fields of Guatemala. He has served as an usher, greeter, been active in fund raising campaigns and assisted in children’s ministries.

Julian worked by trade for 30 years in the sailboat industry as a mast and rigging engineer before being called to the mission field. He started participating in week long mission trips to Guatemala  in 2015 and he was called shortly after to serve the Lord in fulltime mission work.

Julian’s engineer background make him a strong problem-solver, which allows him to think on his feet in what can sometimes be stressful situations in the mission field. His ability to be  hands-on and communicate well gives those around him confidence and puts those in need at ease.

Julian’s credo is “Problems are there to be solved”


Kristen Crisp

A long time retail manger and visual designer, Kristen spent more than 30+ years in these fields before making a gradual switch to the wellness industry in 2008. A yoga instructor, personal trainer, and life coach, she has a strong passion for helping and healing those who are struggling to heal themselves. She has worked the past few years in depth with special needs populations such as the developmentally disabled and the elderly.

Kristen began participating on week long mission trips in 2016 and shares the same passion as her husband for helping others and spreading the message of Jesus Christ. God spoke to her with one word, “healer”. Since that day her mission has not only been to teach movement but to teach others how to help themselves through intentional movement.

Her long time tag line/quote is “Find yourself and love what you find” and she feels that through Christian and humanitarian aid, this can apply to anyone who is assisted and encouraged to see themselves as they are, made in the image of God.